Sheffield’s gay scene is alive and well, with plenty of venues and events around the city to cater to the strong LGBT community.

Where Sheffield differs from most cities is in the widespread number and location of its gay-friendly bars, clubs, and other event venues. Visitors to other cities will typically find one particular section contains all the gay-friendly places but not in Sheffield. In Sheffield you can go to almost any section of the city and find at least one gay-friendly venue. There are even gay-friendly venues on the outskirts of the city. This is as it should be.

Parade peopleThe Sheffield Pride Parade and Festival is an annual event and something for all of the LGBT community, their supports, family and friends look forward to every year. While it is typically a weekend event in 2017 Sheffield Pride went all out and made it a 2 week event filled with fun activities, live music, marketplaces and workshops that catered to everyone, with almost the entire event being free of charge.

One of the most notable gay-friendly locations in Sheffield is Dempsey’s Bar which is located right in the heart of the city. The establishment stays open until 2 a.m. every night of the week and provides fun quizzes and other events on the ground floor while the upper floor caters to those wanting to drink and party.

Regular gay nights are held at the Students’ Union and if that doesn’t appeal there are plenty of other clubs, bars and restaurants where members of the LGBT community are particularly welcome.